Mawlid al-Nabi, The Birth of Muhammad
/The minbar serves as the place in the mosque where the imam (prayer leader) stands or sits to read scripture, delivers sermons, or lecture the congregation. The minbar is usually shaped like a pointed roofed tower with stairs leading up to it. Mohammad used the stump of a date tree at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, which was later replaced by tamarisk stump. Over the years the minbar was modified to the current minbar at the Prophets Mosque, Masjid Nabvi, Medina
It is a matter of respect to the memory of Muhammad and Islam which determines how the prophet’s birthday is celebrated. There are two differing approaches.
Some use the birthday as a chance to educate the general public on the tenants and practices of the Islam faith through marches, festivals, readings and talks. Others view public celebrations as an affront and distraction from the divine revelation.
Some groups in the American Muslim Community make an effort to reach out to the local communities. Special programs are held explain how Muhammad approached his relationships. These topics include moral issues, political situations, military affairs, life challenges and responses to enemies and friends.
The intended outcome of these outreach programs is to lift the veil of mystery surrounding all religious communities. Through education we are all able to understand, grow, and relate to each other while reducing the fear of the unknown.
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