Body and Soul Working Together
/It was a busy day along the beach last Saturday. Along with the Watershed Stewards we also watched the surfers participating in the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA). For the results of their 3/20 surfer weekend go to Read about Fifth Grader Hayden Rodgers from San Clemente, California.
We are what we eat. We are also what we do physically, intellectually and emotionally. Everything we do and all that life throws at us comes together in who we are at this moment in time.
The soul is important. If we are going to be spiritually sound we also need to be aware of and take care of our physical and emotional needs. Over the next few blogs, I’m going to look a little bit deeper into specific aspects of how we need to take care of ourselves, but for now I want to emphasize the holistic approach to living.
A holistic approach involves such simple things as:
· getting enough sleep each night
· eating the right kinds of food
· daily exercise
· taking your medications (those of us with health issues)
· making sure you have something to do each day / to look forward to
· keeping yourself mentally active
· having a way to work through stress
· being around positive people
· finding a way to do something for someone else / volunteer
· spending time with friends
· doing something which feeds the soul
Not being in the day-to-day rat race I’ve discovered there is a lot more to this living process than rolling out of bed each day to go to work.
As I’ve gotten older, my lifestyle has caught up with my health in the form of Type 2 Diabetes. Maintaining my health requires my full time attention. I’ve also found that physical health goes hand in hand with spiritual health.
It is nearly impossible to be centered and balanced emotionally and intellectually if the body is not centered and healthy.
If we start taking care of our physical selves, we have taken a very important step toward the way we view life and our ability to cope with the situations and stresses we see each day.
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