Why We Need To Find Balance
/Why We Need To Find Balance
February 8
Another view of the center on MEDITATION Mount.
I finally opened a Facebook page after all these years. I can understand the fascination. I can see how it is a great way to keep connected to people and trends.
Aside from the pictures of cute animals (love them all) and food, I also saw it being used as a place for users to pick sides on an issue and slam the opposing side. To me it sometimes created an “us verses them” situation.
My last posting “Finding Common Ground and Spiritual Balance” seemed to move in the direction of dealing with “sides”. This post is an attempt to reorient the conversation back to exploring the individual’s sense of being and balance.
We all need to be passionate about the issues which are important to us. We also need a way to step back, come up for air and see what is really happening in the world and in our lives.
I know people use music, prayer, meditation, exercise, gardening, etc. to find relaxation and renewed focus. Anger and discontent are just a couple of the things which can occupy us. When we are so occupied we are cut off from events and people around us. When we are isolated it is never good because we are social people and need positive interaction with others.
I’m interested in how people leave the daily stress behind and find their balance. Please post a comment, and if you do not want your thoughts visible to the public send an email, the form is just off to your right.
I will not share your comments without your permission.