Our Lady of the Rosary in Fátima, Portugal

Our Lady of the Rosary in Fátima, Portugal

The Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fátima, Portugal.    The Basilica and Sanctuary of the Rosary title was given by Pope Pius XII in December 1953.  Built from solid limestone the tower is 213 feet tall.  The Basilica contains 15 alters conforming to the 15 sections of the Rosary.  The first stones were placed in May 1928 with the construction continuing until 1954.  On either side of the Basilica are fresco paintings depicting the life and passion of Jesus.

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Gospel of John - Jesus Meets the Disciples

Gospel of John - Jesus Meets the Disciples

In this fresco a risen Jesus appears to his disciples.  The disciples seem overjoyed, happy that their Lord has appeared.  They reach toward Jesus acceptingly as one bows down before him.  Notice in this interpretation there are eleven disciples instead of ten.  The Risen Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Upper Room, Fresco, Sant’Apollinare Nuevo, Ravenna, Italy, Photographer Nick Thompson, 4/22/2010

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The Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus. As Cleopas and Simon are walking to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, they are discussing the events they have witnessed.  A stranger approaches them.  The stranger has heard their discussion and asks them to explain what they are talking about.  It is Jesus in disguise, who takes this opportunity to reach into the Old Testament and explain the scriptures relating to the coming Messiah.  The Road to Emmaus, Altobello Melone, 1516-17, located in the Central Hall, Northern Italy.

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Resurrection Sunday - He Is RISEN!

Resurrection Sunday  -  He Is RISEN!

The Last Judgement.  A mosaic on the ceiling of the Florence Cathedral Baptistry in Florence, Italy.  Notice the nail marks prominently displayed in the hands and the feet to emphasize the pain and suffering Jesus experienced as part of the forgiveness of our sins.   In order to become a member of the church, or enter the Duomo proper,  a person must be baptized.  That is why this sacrificial understanding of the resurrected Jesus is prominently shown in the Baptistry.   Attributed to Franciscan friar Jacobus 1238-50

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It Is Holy Week

It Is Holy Week

Christ Expels the Merchants From the Temple Upon entering Jerusalem Jesus continued to the temple.  On the temple grounds he found an array of stalls offering for sale everything from temple coinage, grains, birds, sheep, and bulls.  These good were items which were necessary for the required temple sacrifices.  The vendors allowed a traveler to the temple to purchase whatever was needed for their specific sacrifice.  The problem was that the vendors were in collusion with the temple authorities and the travelers were being overcharged.   Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers and chased the sellers of sacrificial items from the temple telling them they had, “taken a house of prayer and turned it into a den of thieves.”   Painting from 1678 by Gian Antonio Fumiani.  Located in the church of San Rocco, Venice, Italy.  Photo licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, by Didier Descouens 5-10-21

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The Gospel of Matthew – Journey to Jerusalem

The Gospel of Matthew – Journey to Jerusalem

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men. Two blind men receive sight.  As they were leaving Jericho, two blind men called out to Jesus.  “Son of David, have mercy on us.”  The crowd following Jesus tells them to be quiet, but they shout louder.  Jesus stops and asks them what they would like him to do.  “Lord,” they answer, “We want our sight.”  Jesus shows compassion and touches their eyes and they are healed. Duccio di Buoninsegna, circa 1255-1319, National Gallery, London.

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Gospel of Luke Journey to Jerusalem

Gospel of Luke Journey to Jerusalem

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers, a story of thanks.   As Jesus and the disciples were traveling to Jerusalem they passed along the Samaria and Galilee boarder.  They were approaching the gate of a village when from a distance, as according to the law, ten lepers called out to Jesus  “Have mercy on us.”  Jesus sent them to the priest, and they were healed on the way.  Nine of them went to their homes, jobs, friends, families and one returned to Jesus.  Falling down at Jesus’ feet he thanked Jesus.  Jesus looked around and saw none of the others who had been healed.  “Were not all cleansed, and only the Samaritan returned.”  Aside from the 500 year old animosity between the Jews and the Samaritan, the important lesson to be taught here is to always be thankful.   Serbian Eastern Orthodox Fresco, photo Tom Bovard

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Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day

Croagh Patrick is known as Ireland’s Holy Mountain.  Located in County Mayo, about 140 miles west of Dublin,  it is on the western edge of the island and has been a pilgrim’s destination for over 3,000 years.  Ireland’s Neolithic ancestors climbed the mountain to worship the Celtic sun god Lugh.  In 441 CE, St. Patrick used the site as a fasting pilgrimage for 40 days, commemorating Jesus’ time in the desert.  Rising 765 meters and overlooking Clew Bay, the mountain has been a Christian destination ever since.    Photo Credit:  https://www.mayo.ie/attractions/croagh-patrick

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